Illustration of a bearded man, a girl in a wizard costume, and a person in a purple unicorn costume, all running happily. The bearded man is wearing a beanie, a white t-shirt, and blue pants, holding a ticket. The girl is dressed in a purple witch hat, yellow dress, and purple shoes, holding a magic wand. The person in the unicorn costume is purple with a white mane and a joyful expression, also holding a ticket. The text "UNICON 2024" is partially visible at the top of the image.

Riga, Kipsala


17–18 AUGUST

Join us at Kipsala Exhibition Center for the ultimate Comic Con event featuring cosplay, comics, K-pop, anime, manga, video games, eSports, toys, movies, and more.

Buy Tickets


This map is an abstract representation of past UniCon events and is intended to help you understand the event format. The actual UniCon 2024 event schedule, featuring shows, panels, and other activities, will be available closer to the event date.

Isometric illustration of the UniCon 2024 event layout. Key areas are labeled with black tags: "Parking" with cars lined up, "Cafe" with tables and chairs, "Tickets" with a ticket booth, "Info Centre," "K-Pop Stage," "Main Stage (2200 seats)" featuring performers and a dinosaur prop, and "Consoles" area with gaming setups. The scene is populated with small figures representing attendees. In the foreground, a blonde character with elf ears looks at the layout, and a large girl in a purple outfit points at the map from the upper right corner.
Illustration of a bearded man enjoying a fish-shaped snack and a green drink, surrounded by various geek culture items. Floating around him are a video game controller, a Pikachu toy, a taiyaki (fish-shaped pastry), a juice box, and an anime-style medical kit. The words "GEEK PARADISE" are written in large, stylized text around the image. The background features a dynamic blue burst pattern, giving a lively and energetic feel to the illustration.

How to find us?


Step into Exhibition Center Kipsala in Latvia – a spacious and modern venue, perfect for hosting the diverse and dynamic events of our vibrant community.

Map with pin that is located on International Exhibition Center Kipsala
Exterior view of Exhibition Center Ķīpsala in Riga, Latvia. The large, modern building has a wide entrance with a glass facade and a sign above it. Several flagpoles line the right side of the image, each flying the Latvian flag. The center is surrounded by a spacious parking lot with a few cars parked. The sky is clear with scattered clouds, indicating a bright, sunny day. A few trees and street lamps are visible along the walkway leading to the entrance.

Ķīpsalas iela 8, Kurzemes rajons

Rīga, LV-1048, Latvia

13, 30, 37, 41, 53, 57

5, 12, 25

Bilesu Serviss Logo


Get your tickets for UniCon 2024 online or at the Kipsala Exhibition Center. Enjoy two days of non-stop Comic Con excitement in Riga.

Illustration of a young man with curly hair and a light beard, smiling cheerfully. He is wearing a light purple cap, a purple shirt, and a grey jacket with a pair of white headphones resting around his neck. In one hand, he holds a yellow ticket that says "UniCon 2024." His other hand is behind his head in a relaxed and happy pose.


17 August

Entry Time

12:00 AM


25 EUR

Buy Ticket


18 August

Entry Time

12:00 AM


25 EUR

Buy Ticket

Two Days

17 – 18 August

Entry Time

12:00 AM


35 EUR

Buy Ticket


17 – 18 August

Entry Time

11:00 AM


75 EUR

Buy Ticket